RECOMMENDED business tools

There are so many online tools that are currently available to help you grow and manage your business. And while it’s amazing to have so many choices, it can often be completely overwhelming. To help ease the overwhelm, I’ve listed my favorite online business tools below. I use all of these tools in my business and I highly recommend using them in yours!





    My absolute FAVORITE platform for websites is Squarespace. Squarespace is not only an easy-to-use website builder, it’s also an all-in-one content management system. A subscription will allow you to have access to their drop and drag platform, content hosting, amazing templates, built-in security and analytics, and so much more!


    Having a domain is obviously important - you can’t have a website without one. But which platform should you use to purchase and manage it? We recommend taking a look at GoDaddy. They have plans that allow you to safely purchase a domain as well as website hosting, email services, and social media content design. And the best part is - their pricing is very affordable.


    CANVA is a free online platform that you can use to design just about anything your heart desires. It offers tons of templates and photos, allows you to edit photos, and it can help you to create some amazingly beautiful projects. AND - the best part is that you do not have to be an actual graphic designer to use it. It’s so easy to learn - and we use it every single day.


    One of the most important thing to have, when it comes to branding your business, is a beautifully curated set of stock photos. While there are websites that give you access to free stock photography, a lot of them have limited choices. To find the perfect photos for your brand, we recommend taking a look at Adobe Stock.


    Even in the age of social media, email is still the number one way to market your business. With ConvertKit, you can nurture your audience through email marketing, segment your subscribers, and build beautiful landing pages. Convertkit also offers a free version for up to 1,000 subscribers.


    For scheduling posts on Facebook and Instagram, we highly recommend using SmarterQueue. It allows you to set multiple specific dates and times for your content to be published and even create recurring posts. It also has a great analytics feature which will allow you to learn from your past posts so that you can improve future posts.


    For those curenting using, or thinking about using, Pinterest to market your business, you should definitely consider scheduling your pins ahead of time with Tailwind. Tailwind not only lets you schedule pins ahead of time, it also has a Smart Calendar which tells you the best time to pin. You can also schedule multiple pins at once and track analytics.


    Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. It allows you to see what’s being worked on, who’s working on specific tasks, and where something might be in the process. However, you do not have to be on a team to use Trello. We use it to organize just about everything in our lives!