Hey hey friend -


I’m the Chief Brandologist here at Brandologie Design.

I am also a web designer, creative aficionado + party planner extraordinaire! I’m originally from Auburn, Alabama (can I get a War Eagle?!?) - spent five years living in Colorado - then made my way back to the south, where I now live with my husband and kids, in beautiful Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Life on the east coast is pretty spectacular!

Also - I've been tapping into my creative side for as long as I can remember - and I love bringing ideas to life!





My entrepreneurial journey started in February of 2017.

After years of working in the corporate world, I decided that it was time to quit following someone else’s dream - and to start following my own. I wasn’t exactly sure what kind of business I wanted to own - I just knew that I was tired of sitting at a desk all day long watching the clock slowly make its way to quitting time. I knew that I wanted to work on my own terms, I wanted financial freedom, and I wanted schedule that allowed me to have more flexibility in my life.

As I was trying to figure out what it was that I wanted to do, I started selling on eBay. When a local restaurant owner heard about this, he asked me if I’d be interested in selling an entire warehouse full of restaurant equipment. At first I was apprehensive - because I knew nothing about restaurant equipment (or restaurants for that matter). But the more I thought about it, the more and more I started having ideas pop into my head about how I could turn this into a successful business.  And from there - Colorado Restaurant Consignment was born. I was pumped - and I was pretty sure I was on the cusp of entrepreneurial greatness! I ordered business cards, built a beautiful online store, created a Facebook page and I was ready to sell . . . or so I thought. 


While I had a few of the right things set in place, there were a ton of things that I didn’t have in the right place. I lacked a success mindset, I was afraid to put myself out there, and I was completely overwhelmed by decisions I didn’t have a clue about how to make. Should I post once a day or ten times a day on Facebook? How do I create a sales funnel that will work? And what is a sales funnel anyway?!?

I went back and forth on my messaging, changed my color palette a million times and, at the end of the day, I lacked a good strategy for how I was going to connect with my audience. Let’s be honest, there was actually no strategy at all.

The truth of the matter was that I was paralyzed by fear - I was so afraid that what I was doing wouldn’t work - and I got stuck inside of my own head. That fear and overwhelm kept me from being able to move forward with those really important things that needed to be done. Having professional business cards, a pretty website, and the perfect color palette were all good things to have, but they were useless without a confident mindset and a good strategy.

While there was definitely a need for what I was doing - and I did end up making a few sales - I clearly had no idea what I was doing. I had A LOT to learn about being a business owner, about getting out of my own way, and about cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset.

I also quickly learned that slinging used restaurant equipment just wasn’t my thing.

When I came to the realization that I needed to change up my game plan, I felt pretty defeated. I’d wasted so much time and money chasing something I thought would be successful - and it didn’t end up at all how I had expected. However, in hindsight, it ended up being one of the greatest learning experiences of my life. And it served as the foundation for my growth as an entrepreneur. 


Although Colorado Restaurant Consignment didn’t bring me the entrepreneurial success I was expecting, I was still convinced that I was meant to do something more fulfilling than just sitting at a desk - bored out of my mind - from 9 to 5 everyday. And I was determined to create something that would give me the flexibility to work how, when, and where I wanted.

So I set out on a mission to soak up as much knowledge as I could. I took tons of online courses, did some major research, read lots of self-help books, took inspiration from other women who were already doing what I wanted to do - and I learned a lot. 

As I was working to decide what it was that I really wanted to do, I started freelancing as a virtual assistant; and thanks to some amazing people who decided to give me a chance (for which I’ll forever be grateful), my entrepreneurial journey stepped into high gear.

Before long, I realized that brand strategy, web design, and social media marketing were totally my jam; and it was SO exciting to finally have clarity on what I truly wanted to do! I had found my purpose and I was going to do everything I could to turn it into a successful online business.

So I decided to take all the things I had learned, along with my skills as a designer, and serve other entrepreneurs by helping them to overcome the same struggles that I had faced in my early days as an entrepreneur.

Brandologie Design is all about helping people eliminate the fear and overwhelm that comes along with being an entrepreneur. It’s about helping them gain clarity on why they do what they do, and how they can best share their stories with their audience. It’s about helping them streamline their strategies and giving them the tools they need to be successful. Most importantly, it’s about empowering them to be excited (and proud) to share their products and services with those who need them. 

This entrepreneurial journey of mine has taught me so much - and I’m so excited to share those things with other entrepreneurs who are ready to take their businesses to the next level.

Now let’s get to creating the brand of your dreams!

Have a question about working together or just want to say hey?
i’d love to chat!